Comet Ison 2013-ISON non ce l'ha fatta
Perihelion is due to occur on 28 November 2013, at 18:24:46 UTC
(Perihelion time via JPL – updated on November 2nd, 2013)

Mid November, Comet ISON should have brightened enough to become a naked eye object, then as it drops lower in the sky approaching perihelion, its tail should become even more respectable before disappearing for a few days behind the Sun’s glare. After perihelion on the 28th November, if it survives the close brush with the Sun, we should be in for a real treat as Comet ISON emerges tail first to be viewable in both the evening and morning skies. Comet ISON will continue to move northwards throughout December, and by Christmas be high in the sky to be visible all night long although having dimmed to a magnitude 5 object once more.Sarà visibile da Novembre , passerà pre andare verso il sole e tornerà in dicembre di ritorno dopo aver girato attorno al sole.
Dopo-La cometa ISON non ce l’ha fatta